Peter Costello


Contact Information:


St. Catherine of Siena Hall 026


Ph.D. - Pennsylvania State University

Brief Biography:

I received my Ph.D. in Philosophy from Penn State University in 2002.

Area(s) of Expertise:

19th and 20th Century Philosophy, Phenomenology and Existentialism, Phenomenology of Religion, Philosophy and Community, Philosophy and Children’s Literature

Selected Publications:

Costello, P. (2014) Towards a Phenomenology of Community: Stein and Nancy. Emotion, Space, and Society.

Costello, P. (2014) Towards a Phenomenology of Community: Stein and Nancy. Emotion, Space, and Society.(13), 121-133.

Costello, P. (2012) Layers in Husserl's Phenomenology: On Meaning and Intersubjectivity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Costello, P. (2011) Philosophy in Children's Literature. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield (Lexington Books)

Costello, P. (2009) Essential Intuition: A Communal Act. ALEA.(7),

Selected Presentations:

Costello, P. North American Community of Inquiry Colloquium. , Quebec, Canada - "Paper: On the Phenomenology of Transition and Transitional Objects: How Charlotte's Web Can Help Change Children and Animals" June, 2014

Costello, P. American Philosophical Association. PLATO: Philosophy for Children, Baltimore, MD - "From Confusion to Love: The Mouse and His Child as Phenomenological Novel" December, 2013

Costello, P. ICNAP: Interdisciplinary North America Phenomenology. , Mahwah, NJ - "Specters of Jesus: Embodiment, Ghosts, and Resurrection & Toward a Phenomenology of Community: Stein and Nancy" May, 2013

Costello, P. Intimacy and Embodiment: Phenomenological Perspectives. , Toronto, Canada - "Towards a Phenomenology of Community: Stein and Nancy" May, 2011

Costello, P. Comparisons, Interactions, and Contestations. , Bucharest, Romania & Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria - "Toward a Phenomenology of Sacred Space and Ticklish Subjectivity: Tarkovsky's Stalker as Read by Husserl, Zizek, and Kristeva" June, 2010

Detailed CV
Personal website