Colin Guthrie King

Associate Professor

Contact Information:


St. Catherine of Siena Hall 132


Ph.D. - Ancient Philosophy Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Brief Biography:

I studied philosophy, astronomy and German at Colgate University, then Greek philology, political theory and philosophy in Freiburg, Bonn, Lille, and Berlin. I completed my PhD at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2009. I teach topics ranging from ancient philosophy to logic and contemporary analytic metaphysics at Providence College, where I also supervise several independent student research projects (and am open to supervising more).

Area(s) of Expertise:

Ancient philosophy and science (particularly Aristotle and the Peripatos), logic, metaphysics; theory of voting.

Awards and Honors:

Visiting Research Fellow Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford

Invited Research Fellow University of Gothenburg

Visiting Professor of Philosophy Universität Basel

Fellowship Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin, Germany)

Selected Publications:

King, C. (2020) In Hynek Bartos and Colin Guthrie King (Ed.), Ancient Philosophy and Science at the Crossroads of Metaphysics and Medicine. Cambridge University Press

King, C. Geus, K. (2018) In Paul Keyser and John Scarborough (Ed.), »Paradoxography«. Oxford University Press

King, C. (2018) In Gerald Hartung, Colin Guthrie King, Christof Rapp (Ed.), »Aristotle’s Categories in the 19th Century«.

King, C. (2015) »Aristotle after Austin«. Antiquorum Philosophia.(Vol. 8), 9-31.

King, C. (2013) In Sabine Seifert, Christiane Hackel (Ed.), »Die Achsendrehung der Erde bei Platon? August Boeckh und ein philologischer Streit um die Geschichte der antiken Astronomie«. Berlin:

King, C. (2013) »False ἔνδοξα and fallacious argumentation«. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy .(15), 185–199.

Selected Presentations:

King, C. Uppsala Colloquium in Theoretical Philosophy. University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden - "Metaethic presuppositions in the historiography of ancient ethics" October, 2019

King, C. Basler Philosophische Gesellschaft Colloquium. Basler Philosophische Gesellschaft, Basle, Switzerland - "Truth and Elections" October, 2019

King, C. International Wittgenstein Symposium. Wittgenstein Society of Austria, Kirchberg am Wechsel - "Truth and voting" August, 2019

King, C. Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy. Karl-Eberhard-Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany - "Time and celestial motion in Plato's Timaeus" July, 2019

King, C. Colloquium in Ancient and Modern Ethics and Political Philosophy. Stanford University Humanities Center, Palo Alto, California - "Truth and voting" May, 2019

King, C. 1st Pan-American Symposium for the History of Logic. UCLA, Los Angeles, California - "Pragmatic and epistemic approaches to deduction in Aristotle" May, 2019

Detailed CV
Personal website
