Raymond Hain
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - University of Notre Dame
Brief Biography:
I grew up in Washington state and Alabama before studying philosophy at Christendom College in Front Royal, VA. I then earned an MA and PhD in philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, studied for a year at Oxford and taught at the Catholic University of America and Xavier University. I have been at Providence College since 2011, where I now help direct the Humanities Program. I have grown to love New England, and particularly enjoy visiting Rhode Island's beaches with my wife Dominique and our children Madeleine, Raymond Jr., Juliette, Benedict, and Angelica.
Area(s) of Expertise:
Ethics, Applied Ethics, Philosophy and Literature, the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Selected Publications:
Hain, R. (2019) Against the Autonomy and Best Interest Defenses of Medically Assisted Death. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press
Hain, R. (2019) Beyond the Self: Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Culture. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press
Hain, R. (2019) Tocqueville on Religion. New York, NY: Anthem Press
Hain, R. (2016) Justice in the Public Square: Towards an Aristotelian Ethics of the Built Environment. International Journal of Applied Philosophy.(30), 149-162.
Hain, R. (2016) Utilitarianism on Justice (and Diversity).
Hain, R. (2015) Aquinas and Aristotelian Hylomorphism.
Hain, R. (2015) Consilium and the Foundations of Ethics. The Thomist.(79), 43-74.
Hain, R. (2014) In Peter Koritansky (Ed.), Individuality and Personality in Maritain and Classical Hindu Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: The American Maritain Association
Hain, R. (2011) Authority, the Family, and Healthcare Decision Making. Christian Bioethics.(17), 227-242.
Selected Presentations:
Hain, R. 13th Annual Conference of the Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry: Aristotelianism in a Time of Crisis. The Society for MacIntyean Enquiry, Online - "Comments on Christopher Lutz’s ‘Thomistic-Aristotelianism vs. Moral Alienation: A Response to Bernard Williams" July, 2020
Hain, R. . The Florida State University chapter of the Thomistic Institute, Tallahassee, FL - "An Unjust Law Is No Law At All" March, 2020
Hain, R. . The Queens University chapter of the Thomistic Institute, Kingston, Ontario, Canada - "The Catholic Imagination in J. R. R. Tolkien and Flanner O’Connor" February, 2020
Hain, R. Twentieth Annual Conference of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture: I Have Called You Friends. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN - "Strong As Death Is Love: Friendship in the Life and Writings of Walker Percy" November, 2019
Hain, R. . The Massachusetts Institute of Technology chapter of the Thomistic Institute, Cambridge, MA - "Does Nature Make Laws?: An Introduction to the Natural Law Tradition" October, 2019
Hain, R. . St. Pius V Catholic Church, Providence, RI - "The Church and Literature" October, 2019
Hain, R. To What End?: Narrative, Institutions, and Practices. The University of Notre Dame, The University of Notre Dame - "No Man Can Serve Two Masters: Defending Aquinas on Our Single Final End" July, 2019
Hain, R. . The University of Texas at Austin Chapter of the Thomistic Institute, University of Texas at Austin - "A Pilgrim’s Progress: The Christian Imagination of Flannery O’Connor" March, 2019
Hain, R. . The University of Maryland chapter of the Thomistic Institute, University of Maryland - "Can Beauty Save the World?" March, 2019
Hain, R. The Spring 2019 Lecture Series, School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America. , The Catholic University of America - "No Man Can Serve Two Masters: Defending Aquinas on Our Single Final End" March, 2019
Hain, R. The Phronesis Luncheon Series. The Elm Institute, New Haven, CT - "Literature and Philosophy: Reflections on Tolkien and Wagner" February, 2019
Hain, R. . Theology on Tap, Providence College - "The Feminine Genius" November, 2018
Hain, R. . The University of South Carolina chapter of the Thomistic Institute, Columbia, SC - "Philosophy and Literature: Reflections on J. R. R. Tolkien and Richard Wagner" October, 2018
Hain, R. Reading Tocqueville in the Twenty-First Century: A Conference at Providence College. , Providence College - "Tocqueville on Religion" October, 2018
Hain, R. . The Providence College Anscombe Society, Providence College - "On Knowing How to Love" February, 2018
Hain, R. . The Thomistic Institute and the Harvard-Radcliffe Catholic Students Association, Cambridge, MA - "An Unjust Law Is No Law At All" November, 2017
Hain, R. Fourth Annual St. Nicholas of Myra Conference on Catholic Social Thought: Option for the Poor – The Council of Medellín for the 21st Century. , Providence College - "Some Philosophical Reflections on ‘The Preferential Option for the Poor’" November, 2017
Hain, R. Symposium Thomisticum. , Paris, France - "Paper: Thomistic Discourse Ethics" June, 2016
Hain, R. Jacksonville State University. , Jacksonville, AL - "Invited Lecture: Alexis de Tocqueville and the Problem of Self-Government" March, 2016
Hain, R. American Catholic Philosophical Association. , Boston, MA - "Commentator: Robert Spaemann's Approach to Ethical Analysis (by Alexander Schimpf, University of St. Thomas, TX)" October, 2015
Hain, R. Anscombe Forum: Human Dignity. , Aston, PA - "Paper: Universal Prohibitions and Medically Assisted Death" March, 2015
Hain, R. American Maritain Association. , San Francisco, CA - "Paper: Universal Prohibitions, Medically Assisted Death, and the Value of Human Life" February, 2015
Hain, R. Virtue, Medicine, and Modern Moral Philosophy. , South Bend, IN - "Panel: Foundations of the Case Against PAS" May, 2014
Hain, R. Ethics Bowl & the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Conference. , Jacksonville, FL - "" March, 2014
Hain, R. Seventh Annual Conference of the International Society for MacIntyrean Enquiry. , Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, MI) - "Building a Just Society: MacIntyrean Justice and Architectural Practice" July, 2013
Hain, R. The Crowning Glory of the Virtues: Exploring the Many Facets of Justice. , South Bend, IN - "Saving the One Over the Many: Problems with Consequentialist Forms of Justice" November, 2012
Hain, R. Practical Knowledge and Practical Wisdom: Aristotle, Aquinas, and Anscombe. , Rome, Italy - "Invited Workshop Participant" June, 2012
Hain, R. Society of Christian Philosophers. , Conway, AR - "Paper: Justice in the Public Square: An Architectural Exploration" March, 2012
Hain, R. Radical Emancipation: Confronting the Challenge of Secularism. , South Bend, IN - "Paper: Pope Benedict and Jurgen Habermas on Secularization" November, 2011