Philosophy Minor

The Philosophy minor is easy to accommodate with most other majors at Providence College. The requirements are minimal, so that students are free to focus on those areas that interest them most, or to spread their study across a range of different areas of Philosophy. As a result, the Philosophy minor makes an attractive addition to many programs of study, and one which can add significantly to a student’s employability. Current or recent Philosophy minors at PC have combined their study of Philosophy with a major in subjects such as Biology, Economics, Education, English, History, Health Policy and Management, Marketing, Military Science, Political Science, Psychology, and Theology.

Philosophy minors are required to take 6 courses (18 credits), including either PHL 101 Logic or PHL 315 Symbolic Logic. At least 3 courses must be at the 300 or 400 level.

  1. Logic Elective: Either PHL 101 Logic or PHL 315 Symbolic Logic
  2. Elective
  3. Elective
  4. Elective
  5. Elective
  6. Elective

(For a definitive statement of the requirements for the minor, please see the relevant sections of the undergraduate catalog.)

To sign up for a Philosophy minor, visit the Philosophy Office in Siena Hall 105 to fill out a registration form and get started on the path to a degree in Philosophy!

Philosophy Department

Siena Hall 105