Just for thought…..
Informal Friday Fun: Fresh Cookies & Conversation

Fridays at 1pm
Join us every Friday at 1 PM in Siena Hall for a casual gathering of fresh cookies, coffee, and great conversation!
This is a perfect opportunity to connect with fellow students and professors from the Philosophy Department in a relaxed setting.
Whether you want to discuss thought-provoking ideas, chat about philosophy classes, or simply enjoy a break with some sweet treats, everyone is welcome! Drop by, grab a cookie, and let the conversation flow.
Speaker Series Continues
📢 Philosophy enthusiasts, mark your calendars! 📢

Tuesday, April 22, 2025
The Philosophy Department Speaker Series continues with a thought-provoking session featuring Guillaume Fréchette, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Geneva.
Join us on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at 1 PM in Barnini (Harkins LL12) as we dive into the history of modern European thought, philosophy of mind, and metaphysics.
Don’t miss this chance to engage with cutting-edge research on the Austro-German origins of contemporary philosophy and more! See you there!
Pre- Exam Week Break
Take a Break from Reality: Exploring Virtual Reality & Philosophy

Thursday, April 24, 2025
Join us for this FREE event on Thursday, April 24, 2024, from 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM in Slavin 112 (The Fishbowl)
Attendees will have the opportunity to explore VR headsets, immerse themselves in virtual experiences, and engage in discussions on the philosophical implications of augmented and virtual realities. How does VR challenge our perception of reality? What does it mean to “exist” in a digital world? Let’s explore these thought-provoking questions together!
This event is open to all students and faculty, and light refreshments will be provided. Don’t miss this exciting chance to step into another reality and expand your philosophical perspective!
Archived Events:

Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Emerita Stony Brook University
Monday, March 14 4 pm Slavin ’64 Hall
All Welcome!

More Recent Philosophy Initiatives
- Dr. Colin Guthrie King served as a co-organizer of Aristotle’s Organon in old and new logic, c. 1800–1950
- Dr. Vance Morgan delivered the keynote address at the Rhode Island Philosophical Society annual meeting
- Dr. Jeffery Nicholas organized the 6th St. Nicholas of Myra Conference on Catholic Social Thought